传统 1990 吴亚鸿 美 ,是心灵的感觉, 它即是“抽象”;又是“具象”, 只有通过作者和欣赏者的共同努力下, 美,才能滋长。
I use little ants as my language of vision and through these little creature narrate my life experience and thoughts. I attempted to unite Eastern aesthetics with contemporary Western principles of composition, in search of a creative direction which is my own. 我用小小的蚂蚁作为我的视觉语言,通过这小生命讲述自己对人生的体验和感触,尝试以东方美学结合西方现代绘画构成原理来作画,寻找一个属于自己的创作风格。